How to Get a DBA Name in Rhode Island

If you're starting a business in Rhode Island, you may want to consider a "doing business as" (DBA) name to make it easier for customers to find you. A DBA is a trade name or fictitious name that a sole proprietorship or partnership uses in the course of business. If you're not ready to incorporate your business, filing a DBA is a good alternative.

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Step 1: Choose a Name

The first step to getting a DBA is to choose a name. You want a name that is easy to remember, catchy, and unique. Be sure to check to see if the name you choose is already in use by another company or business in Rhode Island. You can check the Rhode Island Secretary of State Office website for an idea of what names are already taken or to see if a name is available.

How to Get a DBA Name in Rhode Island is extremely useful to know, many guides online will accomplishment you very nearly How to Get a DBA Name in Rhode Island, however i recommend you checking this How to Get a DBA Name in Rhode Island . I used this a couple of months ago gone i was searching upon google for How to Get a DBA Name in Rhode Island

Step 2: File Your DBA

Once you have chosen your DBA name, the next step is to file it with the Rhode Island Secretary of State Office. You can file your DBA electronically or in person.

Electronic Filing

1. To file electronically, visit the Rhode Island Secretary of State website , scroll down and click on "Online Business Services."

2. Once you have logged in, click on "Fictitious Business Name Registration" and follow the instructions to complete the online application form.

3. You'll be able to pay the registration fee with a card.

In-Person Filing

1. Visit the Rhode Island Secretary of State's office at 148 W River Street, Providence, RI 02904.

2. Request Form CM-268 from the front office.

3. Fill out the form with your DBA name, business address, name of business owner, and any other requested information.

4. Submit the form and pay the registration fee in cash, check, or card.

Step 3: Advertise Your DBA

Rhode Island law requires you to advertise your DBA in a state-approved newspaper. This notice of filing must include your business name, address, and the name of the owner or partners. You must place the ad in a newspaper approved by the Rhode Island Secretary of State within seven days of filing your DBA. For a list of approved newspapers, visit the Rhode Island Secretary of State website or contact their office.

Step 4: Maintain Your DBA

Once you have filed your DBA with the Rhode Island Secretary of State Office and advertised it in an approved newspaper, you have legally established your trade name. Congratulations! However, keep in mind that a DBA registration is valid for five years only. You must renew your registration before the end of that period. You'll receive a notice reminding you to renew your registration before the due date.


Filing a DBA is a simple and straightforward process that will help you secure your business identity in Rhode Island. Choose the name that resonates and follows the guideline and register your DBA with the Secretary of State Office, place it in public newspapers, and keep it renewed timely for good corporate standing. Follow these steps, and your DBA will be in good standing to represent your business or initiative to its fullest potential.

Good luck in going forward with your Rhode Island business!

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